Sunday, September 28
08:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Live in Berlin
Less Details
On the evening before the conference, we start with our Icebreaker Roundtables. The participants come together in an informal and pleasant setting to get to know each other before the conference starts and to get into conversation with each other at moderated round tables. The moderators have brought provocative theses and out-of-the-box topics with them to encourage you to discuss future relevant topics.
In order to find an initial thematic introduction to the conference, the first relevant theses and content are raised and addressed by the moderators at the round tables.
The moderators present their topic or project in a completely free manner (no PowerPoint presentation necessary), but also simply present pressing questions at their own round table and then enter into a direct discussion with the interested participants.
In this way, the moderators can spontaneously and without a fixed setting lead discussions directly at the round table or stimulate individual exchanges between participants.
The participants can switch freely between the round tables and participate openly in the discussions.
Feel invited, glass in hand, to get to know your community for the next two days, discuss interesting ideas and initial challenges and get in touch with our speakers and business partners.
Break the ice and get the show on the road!