Monday, September 29
04:00 PM - 04:30 PM
Live in Berlin
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In manufacturing, top-tier performance is often attributed to Operational Excellence* (OpEx) programs. OpEx programs establish a standardized language for work processes and drive continuous improvement. Companies such as Toyota (TPS), P&G (IWS), and DuPont (DPS) are good examples of best in class OpEx programs delivering superior results in all PQCDSM dimensions.
A critical aspect of OpEx is integrating the various organizational stakeholders – Quality, HSE, HR, E&T – under a unified umbrella, breaking down the functional silos not just at a site level, but also regionally and globally – connecting people of different levels and sites from different locations.
And these aspects should not be different when digitizing OpEx. Rather than relying on fragmented and localised software applications, functions and personnel at different levels and sites should be working and collaborating across a shared digital platform leveraging the essence of OpEx.
This session will showcase practical examples on how leading companies in different sectors like Mondelez, Loreal, Lindt, Haleon, Gerdau,.. have harnessed integrated OpEx digital platforms to drive world class manufacturing by connecting digitally the whole organizations and operations.