Monday, September 30
08:30 AM - 08:40 AM
Live in Berlin
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Niklas Gensch is the responsible program manager for the manufacturing portfolio at we-CONECT Global Leaders.
A business and technical consultant with experience in IoT, IIoT & Embedded solutions, Radoslaw has been working in the IT industry for over 20 years. His broad expertise in IoT, embedded systems, engineering and project management has enabled him to support the development of IoT products and solutions for the last 8 years. Radoslaw has also been involved in the development of certification test tools for various connectivity standards. He is currently leading IoT & embedded software development at Software Mind.
There are many things that move me in my job, but one of my top drivers is the feeling of seeing the work you've done have a real, positive impact on someone's life, work or business. I always want to work with the best technologies and solve technical problems. My inner engineer constantly looks for cracks and a way to fix them. My current position at Software Mind gives me the opportunity to work with different problems of our clients and to look at these issues from different angles.